Friday, September 30, 2005

The city of my dreams, the city of my nightmares

It's been a cherished decade,
Since I made it my home.
But yet I ask myself,
Why this wretched place alone?

What elation do I get,
Seeing this place's plight.
Where misery is one's only friend ,
And mere existence a fight.

Nature has rung,
the city's death knell
but in this city of mine,
Ignorance is quite swell.

But there's one glimmer,
In this darkness that i see,
Millions still grieve for my city,
The millions like me.

(As you'll know a great deluge of biblical proportions hit our already troubled city of Bombay,but still we gotta live on,hoping to forget the tragic past and yearning for a better future.But one thing that can never be hit is the spirit and the character of this city,the will to walk on and never give up.Lets give the city something in return for all that it has given to us.)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Real Meaning Of Friend

We are blind

In this world of ours,
For granted we take
That love would never deceive us,
And they were never fake.
But then they realise,
Only one thing rings true.
That love was never meant for me
and never meant for you.

A question then I ask you all,
Why god made love at all.
For if hearts be broken everytime
What begets cupid see us whine?
Think hard and thou shall find,
That cupid is inncocent but we are blind.

(Dedicated to my love lorn brother)