So it seems it all began when a few molecules in a primordial organic "soup" accidentally combined together to form self replicating organic molecules. From then on there was no looking back as we progressively went onto single cellular organism ,multi cellular organisms, primitive ocean dwelling creatures, advanced aquatic creatures, amphibians, marsupials, mammals, apes, homonids, homoerectus, homosapiens and then us who feel pleasure, pain, joy, sorrow, hope, despair and a host of other feelings. So a few random but extremely miraculous combination of lifeless molecules,which themselves consist of at its very basic level, quantum waves of energy, gave rise to creatures like us who experience such abstract and intangible feelings. So in a sense when we find one of those Eric Cartman's racist jokes funny or those Justin Bieber songs irritating, its essentially because of the complex interaction of those waves and its transformation thereof!!!
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